Dipping into Belgium

We're heading to Belgium for the latest brew!

On Sunday we entered the last phase of brewing a crazy-fermenting La Fin du Monde clone.

A few weeks ago, cooking up the grain bags. Mmmmm. Oatmeal-y.

It was our first brew to escape our carboy, Carl. During the first few days of fermentation, Carl was bubbling away, right out through the stopper and air lock we had on top. Lots of foam and waking up to the smell of beer in the morning.

Fin du Monde explosion! 
The carboy is wrapped in a towel to prevent skunking due to light exposure.

Three weeks later, the contents had settled enough that it was time to get it into bottles.

Our first time using a bottling wand.

So far, so good. No explosions or anything. And the beer tasted really, really good. The recipe we used ended up with an 8.9% alcohol reading, but ours is set to pack a stronger punch: over 10%! Pictures to come!


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