The Obamas are Homebrewers
So, Chris and I have bottled and already consumed half of the Weizen we brewed. Oops. I guess the point of a blog is to write about that kind of stuff. Never fear - we have photos stored on our computers and all of the information involved tucked away in our little brains. So we shall write about it one day.
We've just started (on Saturday) a German Altbier. It's Chris's baby, so I'll let him share that recipe. So far, it's looking superdark and bubbly. Woohoo!
But, to the real reason for this post: the Obamas served a tasty homebrew at their Super Bowl bonanza. And not just that, the honey for their White House honey ale came from the presidential bee hive, located on the South Lawn.
I wonder what homemade wonder the White House will cook up next. My guess: President Obama should expect a hand-knit sweater made only of Bo the Dog fur for Valentine's Day.
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